About NUSU
The Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU) is the official body representing the student point of view at Nipissing. All students, both full-time and part-time, belong to the Student Union and fund the organization through their ancillary fees, payable at registration. As part of its ongoing commitment to academic excellence and social growth, NUSU deals with many aspects of student life on campus, including the academic governance of the university and the social events. Student awareness campaigns, dealing with such topics as sexual assault, autism and mental health. The week before school begins in September, NUSU hosts Frosh Week. This week includes activities to introduce first year students to the university and to the City of North Bay. Frosh Week culminates in Shinerama, a national fundraising event on behalf of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
NUSU sponsors and organizes a Food Bank on campus for any student in need.
NUSU’s political business is conducted by the Board of Directors, which meets throughout the academic year. NUSU’s By-laws and Meeting Minutes are available on their website nusu.com. The Board of Directors is composed of four executive officers (President, VP Finance & Administration, VP Advocacy & Awareness, and VP Student Life) who are elected each Spring. There are also 10 Directors-at-Large that represent students throughout the academic year, and are the highest form of decision-making within NUSU.
NUSU also has a number of votes on Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, and representation on most of the Board and Senate Committees. NUSU holds by-elections throughout the year to fill student positions on Academic Senate. NUSU’s offices are located in F205. The phone number is 705.474.3450. and the extensions are as follows:
- 4801 - President
- 4440 - VP Finance & Administration
- 4303 - VP Advocacy & Awareness
- 4884 - VP Student Life
- 4884 - Director of Services
- 4303 - Director of Communications
- 4129 - Director of Finance
- 4801 - Front Desk/ Administrative Assistant
The fax number is 705.474.7732. The President can be reached via email at president@nusu.com and any inquiries can be sent to info@nusu.com.
Services provided in the NUSU Office include: photocopies, faxes, event ticket sales, health and dental plan, community engagement, general information about the work of the Student Union and the Student Food Bank.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you already have health coverage elsewhere, you may opt-out of the health plan. To do so, you will need to provide proof of insurance. Send your proof of insurance to ACL Student Benefits and sign up to have your health plan fee reimbursed to you through direct deposit. If you have any questions about the process, you can speak to someone 24/7 on the live chat at www.wespeakstudent.com or you can contact VP Advocacy & Awareness at vpfinance@nusu.com.