Major Modifications of an Existing Program

A major program modification to an existing program is one in which the requirements, learning outcomes, faculty complement or delivery mode differ significantly from those existing at the time of the previous Cyclical Program Review. Major modifications may include:

Types of Major Modifications

I.    Program Changes

1.    The merger of two or more programs;
2.    Changes to the fundamental nature, intent, and/or structure of the program;
3.    Requirements for substantial new resources;
4.    New bridging options for college graduates;
5.    Significant changes in the laboratory time of an undergraduate program;
6.    Introduction or deletion of an undergraduate thesis or capstone project;
7.    Introduction or deletion of work experience, co-op internship or practicum;
8.    At the graduate level, the introduction or deletion of a research project, research essay or thesis, course-only, internship or practicum option;
9.    Any changes to the requirements for a graduate program, candidacy examination, field of study or residency requirement;
10.    Changes to courses comprising more than 1/3 of the total program;
11.    A new minor, emphasis, specialization or study abroad opportunity in an undergraduate program.

In the case of the creation of a field in an existing graduate program or a program based on an existing program, the proposal may be submitted to the Quality Council using the expedited approval process. In the case of the addition of a new for-credit graduate diploma program or a collaborative graduate program, the proposal must be submitted to the Quality Council using the expedited approval process.

Effective February 2021, please refer to the following: