Making a planned gift to Nipissing means leaving a legacy for future generations. There are many planned giving options that can help you reach your philanthropic goals while balancing your personal and financial needs.
Your planned gift can be a meaningful way to create a legacy and contribute to the future of Nipissing University. These gifts fund student financial support, scholarships, projects, teaching or research chairs, library resources, facilities, bursaries, awards, and scholarships.
Including a gift to the University in your will is a simple way to leave a legacy. You can make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or by naming Nipissing University as a beneficiary of a gift in cash, retirement plan, publicly traded securities, life insurance policy, personal property or real estate. There are also charitable gift annuities, gifts of residual interest, and charitable remainder trusts that might work for you.
For more information on planned giving, please contact Andrea Parolin at andreapa@nipissingu.ca or (705) 474-3450 ext. 4665