Bonnie Humber, Class of 2015
Title: Alice Aesthetic, 2021
Multimedia piece that includes found objects, clay, acrylic painting and texture paste on canvas
21 in x 24.5 inBonnie Humber, Class of 2015
Title: Lest We Forget, 2020
Acrylic on canvas
11 in x 14 inBonnie Humber, Class of 2015
Title: Winter Sunrise, 2020
Watercolour on paper
8 in x 10 inCorbin Losereit, Bachelor of Fine Arts student
Title: Emanation, 2021
Acrylic and oil on canvas
12 in x 36 inCorbin Losereit, Bachelor of Fine Arts student
Title: Exploration, 2019
Oil on canvas
20 in x 24 inCorbin Losereit, Bachelor of Fine Arts student
Title: We Rest, 2021
Acrylic and oil on canvas
20 in x 20 inEdgar Murdoch, North Bay Teachers College Class of 1958
Title: Flying Home
Oil on masoniteEdgar Murdoch, North Bay Teachers College Class of 1958
Title: Old Enderby BC at Christmas
PhotographFrancine Michèle Blais, Class of 1997
Title: Francine Michèle Blais, Class of 1997
Bridge in a storm, 2021.
Oil on canvas
10 in x 13 inFrancine Michèle Blais, Class of 1997
Title: Francine Michèle Blais, Class of 1997
Rez & House v Snow, 2021
Oil on canvas
11 in x 14 inGerry Mueller, Class of 2021
Title: Danger! Pest Control, 2021
Prinstallation/Mixed MediaGerry Mueller, Class of 2021
Title: Gerry Mueller, Class of 2021
Invisible Enemy I, 2021
Digital Drawing
17 x 11 inGerry Mueller, Class of 2021
Title: What Tomorrow Will Bring, 2021
Mixed media screenprint and acrylic paint on wood panel
24 in x 18 inJacqueline Cottrell, Class of 2020
Title: Butterfly, 2021
Watercolour on paper
9 in x 11 inJessica Rawn, Class of 2002
Title: Shrouded
Acrylic paint on canvas board
12 in x 16 inJoelle Myre, Class of 2017
Title: Cloud
Oil on canvas
24 in x 32 inJosie Morin, Class of 2020
Title: The Corn Festival, 2021
Oil, acrylic and gold leaf on canvas
20 in x 24 inMarcel Labelle, Class of 1997
Title: Kokomis, 2011
Birch bark canoe
26 feet longTed Stewart, Class of 1981
Title: Northern Hawk Owl, 2020
Carving made from tupelo, maple, basswood, pine and acrylicTed Stewart, Class of 1981
Title: Pied-Billed Grebe, 2019
Carving made from tupelo, walnut, brass acrylic