Anthology in the works - call for papers

Dr. Ellie Berger and professor Christina De Roche, from Nipissing’s Sociology department, are working on a new anthology on the subject of parenting in academic careers.Call for PapersThe Parent-Track: Timing, Balance and Choice within AcademiaScholarship on parenting in academia is not only extremely limited, but has also generally examined women’s and men’s experiences when balancing competing roles separately. While previous research has explored the experiences of  women in academia, such research remains heterosexist in nature and does not include qualitative accounts from both male and female individuals who have, or are planning on having children. Our proposed anthology will address this gap by providing a more in-depth qualitative understanding of individuals’ experiences regarding parenting in various stages of their academic careers. The proposed title for this collection of narratives is “The Parent-Track: Timing, Balance and Choice within Academia.”
Contributors are invited to write a personal narrative discussing their experiences of parenting, including the negotiation of parenthood in the context of academic life and the tensions that exist in negotiating that role. This may include but is not limited to discussing experiences balancing children with your career, balancing children with being a graduate student, decision to remain childless, or uncertainty about having children or when to have children. All of these accounts will be included in an anthology for publication. Only one individual in the relationship is required to be in academia. In providing your narrative please make sure it meets the specifications listed below. You can choose to give us your entire account with parenting and/or decision to parent or you can focus specifically on one experience in the process of being a parent. We will accept submissions from all individuals including graduate students. The Deadline for Submissions is August 30, 2012.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Although we have provided these specifications, please ensure that we are not limiting you in any way as to the direction you would like to take in writing your narrative. Ensure that the following is included in your narrative:Marital Status and sexual orientationAge and genderStage in Academic CareerMaximum of 2500 words with an appropriate titlePlease use MS Word, double spaced in Times New Roman Font, 12ptPlease include your name on the title page only, with your institution affiliation
If you are interested in providing your experience for our collection or have any questions, please contact us through the phone numbers or e-mail addresses provided below. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and having you contribute to our anthology.
Thank you in advance,
Ellie Berger, PhD
Associate Professor, Nipissing University
(705) 474-3450 Ext. 4141
Christina DeRoche,
Ph.D Candidate, McMaster University
Lecturer, Nipissing University
(705) 474-3450 Ext. 4194

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