Watershed Hydrology Laboratory (R219-R222)
This laboratory supports catchment hydrology, lake and weather monitoring, and computer modelling. Field equipment supports the study of hydrologic processes (e.g. streamflow generation) under varying environmental conditions and includes meteorological stations, streamflow monitoring station packages (Isco auto-sampler, raingage, pressure transducer, YSI EC/Temperature probes), groundwater recording (water level meters, capacitance rods) and sampling instrumentation (peristaltic pump, drive-point piezometers), soil moisture monitoring probes and lysimeters, basic hydrometric equipment (pygmy meter outfit with Aquacalc 5000, constant head permeameter, soil auger kit) and a field truck. Field and lab equipment supports use of a range of environmental tracers of water movement and sources within the landscape (temperature, EC, stable isotopes of 18O/16O, and D/H).
Lake profile monitoring equipment includes two Fondriest CB-405S Data Buoys equipped with thermistor chains, EXO2 Sonde and sensors (EC, T, pH, total algae, turbidity), data loggers, and weather instrumentation (wind speed/direction, RH, rain).
This laboratory analyses water samples (liquid and vapour) for stable isotope ratios of 18O/16O, and D/H using a L2120-i Picarro isotope liquid water analyser. Equipped with a Millipore DI water purification system and cold storage (fridge, freezer), the lab also supports preparation and storage of water samples for additional off-site analyses (e.g. cation, anion, trace element, TOC).
Computer stations (five) support data analysis, catchment modelling and spatial analysis (i.e. GIS). A rugged field notebook supports field-based downloading and programming capabilities. Computing stations are outfitted with floating software licenses include MATLAB and ArcGIS and a range of freeware supporting catchment modelling.
These facilities are supported by CRC, CFI and NSERC funding awarded to Dr. April James and collaborations with the Integrative Watershed Research Centre (IWRC).
For further information contact Dr. April James at 705-474-3450 (X4062) or aprilj@nipissingu.ca.