Graduate Studies Forms

All forms must be filled and approved by the following parties in the following order:

  1. Student
  2. Advisor/Supervisor (in some cases, Supervisory Committee)
  3. Graduate Coordinator/Chair
  4. Faculty Dean (where applicable)
  5. Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Research (via

*Once form has been approved and processed by the School of Graduate Studies, all parties will be informed.

Please only submit completed forms to

Continuation Forms:

Defence Forms:

PhD Forms:

Appeal Forms:

If you require a form which you do not find here, please contact the School of Graduate Studies at

Digital Si​gnatures:

Depending on the version of Adobe you’re using, there are two ways to sign forms.

Option 1:

  1. Click the “Fill & Sign” option on the upper right hand side.
  2. In the right hand menu, there will be a list of options. Select “Place Signature.”
  3. A dialogue box will appear asking to draw a new signature rectangle.
  4. Using your cursor, drag a signature rectangle over the area you want your signature to appear.
  5. Another dialogue box will appear prompting you to insert your digital signature.

Note: If a document has been printed, signed, and scanned, the above method will work to affix the remaining signatures digitally. You can also select the “Add Text” option in the menu to type in the Name and Date on scanned forms.

Option 2:

  1. Choose "Fill & Sign" from the tool menu on the right of the Adobe screen.
  2. Choose the "Sign" button at the top of the screen, in the centre, and then choose to add either a signature or initials. 
  3. There is a choice to either type a signature (and choose a formatting style), draw a signature, or insert an image of a scanned signature.

If you’re having issues with your digital signature or you need to create one, please contact Faculty Administrative Support Services at