- FAQs and Contact Information
- Obtaining Your Proof of Enrolment Letter
- Viewing Your Schedule
- Accessing Courses
- Textbooks
For a list of Academic Advising's Frequently Asked Questions, please click the button below:
For assistance with academic questions or course selections, please contact internationaladvising@nipisingu.ca.
The Academic Advising department primarily assists with academic questions for current undergraduate students. For other questions, we recommend contacting the following departments:
Once registered for courses, students who require confirmation of their current registration status at Nipissing University can obtain a signed Proof of Enrolment letter via WebAdvisor.
- Login to WebAdvisor
- Select the Student Menu
- Select Academic Profile
- Select Proof of Enrolment Letter
- Select your Program and Term, Click Submit
- Select Proof of Enrolment Letter (PDF) to download your letter.
Students can view their course selections and timetable via WebAdvisor.
- Login to WebAdvisor
- Select the Student Menu
- Select Academic Profile
- Select View My Class Selections or View My Timetable
- Select the current Term, click Submit
Students can access all registered courses at the start of each semester through Nipissing's online learning platform, Blackboard Learn. Blackboard can be accessed by visiting your my.nipissingu.ca account.
Students can purchase textbooks through the Nipissing bookstore website. Students can select the courses that they are registered in from the drop-down menus to find their textbook information. Instructors will inform students if any supplementary reading material is required.
Click here to access the Nipissing Campus Store website
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma/Certificate Students
Students in a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma can find more information on how to register for their courses below.
If you are off-track from the program plan and need assistance with course selection, or if you have started a Post-Baccalaureate program prior to September 2021, please contact internationaladvising@nipissingu.ca.
Bachelor Degree Students
New international students seeking a bachelor's degree can follow the course recommendations on our New Student Resources page.
International students seeking a master's degree should contact the School of Graduate Studies at sgs@nipissingu.ca.
If you are a returning student, we recommend visiting our Help with Course Selections page. For more assistance, please contact internationaladvising@nipissingu.ca.
Exchange Students
Nipissing University welcomes incoming students on exchange from other countries to study at our beautiful campus. Current Nipissing students also have the opportunity to study abroad and experience learning in another country. Outgoing exchanges are typically open to students in the second or third year of their program. Students in their graduating year will be considered on an individual basis.
Incoming Students
As part of your acceptance package, you will receive a course pre-registration form and instructions on selecting courses.
The International Initiatives Office will provide the forms to the Academic Advising Office and they will register you in your courses.
For additional questions regarding courses, please contact internationaladvising@nipissingu.ca.
Outgoing Students
Nipissing University students that are interested in an exchange are encouraged to meet with Academic Advising sometime in their first year before submitting an exchange application.
Academic Advisors will outline:
- academic considerations of the international exchange process;
- how credits will be transferred; and
- how to ensure that degree requirements are met while on an exchange.