New Student Orientation (NSO)

July 4-8, 2025

New Student Orientation is just around the corner – and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome our incoming students and their supporters!

Your NSO will consist of a first-step learning module, live opportunities to connect with current students and services, ask questions, giveaways and more!

So check back here soon as we’ll be updating you on what to expect – and be sure to follow us on Instagram @nustudentLT for more information, to keep you updated and engaged – and ready to start your journey as a Laker!

The Orientation Team is excited to meet you!

Why participate in NSO?

During NSO you will have the opportunity to:

  • Get guidance on course registration 
  • Attend mini-tours of various campus locations
  • Learn about what services and supports are here for you – and how to connect
  • Stay in our award-winning Residence Complexes
  • Chat with current student leaders about the NU student experience
  • Learn valuable ‘next steps’ to prepare you for your start at NU

We also have programming and resources for the supporters in your life – whether that be parents, family, guardians or friends!

Online Student Orientation

Step One:

Complete Your Online Orientation Learning Module

Your first step to take in your New Student Orientation is to complete the Online Learning Module. The General module is now off of the MyNipissing platform. If you would like access please email 

NOTE:  modules for the Distance Bachelor of Commerce, College Partnership Program or Distance RPN-BScN Blended Nursing, are now available on the MyNipissing main page at 

Step Two:

Register to Attend one of the Live Online Orientation Sessions Below

Lakers to Lakers:

Designed for incoming students, these sessions are your opportunity to hear from upper-year student leaders about the experiences you may have, how Nipissing University can support you in this transition, and how you can get involved on campus. You’ll get to join other new students and ask questions about campus and North Bay life.

  • *CLOSED* Monday, July 5: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST* CLOSED*
  • Tuesday, July 6: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

Lakers to Lakers Session Registration 


Nursing Program Pre-Arrival Information Session

Due to the nature of this program, there are some pre-arrival pieces that need to be reviewed.  In this session, we’ll be discussing the documentation you will need, important dates, program requirements, immunizations, mask fittings and more!

  • Friday, July 9: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST (11:15-12:00 is Q&A with Nursing Society)

Nursing Information Session Registration 

Q&A with the Nursing Society

Within the same link and following the information session, there will be a brief Question and Answer session with representatives from the Nursing Society.

Academic Advising

Once you've completed the Online Learning Module, and reviewed the Course Registration tab, you are ready to register for your courses!

Click the Course Selection tab at the top of the page  to get more information on course selection and resources, and/or to connect with an Advisor!



Resource Corner

We've carved out a corner of the internet to gather together the services, supports, and resources relevant to new students all in one digital space for you to explore at your own pace! Jot down any questions you have and bring them with you to any live info session, or connect with us at

Support Your New Laker!

We are very happy to welcome you and the student in your life to the Laker Community!

We want your student to experience a seamless transition to Nipissing University, and you have an important role to play. Through Support-Your-New Laker! Orientation Programming, you’ll be introduced to university support services that you can tell your student about right when they need it most.

The resources on this page combined with LIVE! Sessions (group and one-on-one) and our mailing list will make you an expert on the Laker Community – just promise us you’ll spread the word!

NU Community Panel

We’ve been supporting supporters and families for a long time, so we know you have some burning questions. We’ve gathered a panel of NU Community experts from areas like finance, academic skills, counselling, residence life, Indigenous initiatives and more. Here’s your chance to ask the questions you don’t want to ask in front of your student!

This LIVE session will be hosted on:

  • Monday, July 5: 12:30 pm EST

Register Here      

One-On-One Virtual Appointment

It’s normal to worry about your student’s academic transition. Our Student Learning Coordinators will be happy to meet with you (and your student if you want!) to talk about the academic expectations at Nipissing University and set your student up for success. 

Book a 15-min Virtual Appointment Here      

Student Learning and Transitions Events

Previous Events


We'll be sharing information about events and programs from Student Learning and Transitions throughout your Laker's transition! Expect emails about Lakers Orientation, summer academic skills clinics, mature and transfer student programming, and more!


Why do I need orientation information? I'm not the student.

Great question! We know you are our best referral, and we know you want the best for the student in your life! By sharing information about support resources and services with you, we're giving you institutional knowledge you can give your student right when they need it most.

Resource Corner

We've carved out a little corner of the internet to house all the supports and services relevant to new students in one place. We know that students can sometimes be reluctant to access the resources available to them, so we're sharing this information with you so you can feel empowered to refer them to supports if/when they need them! Check it out here

Academic Skills Resources

It’s easy to forget the academic support that’s available when you’re stressed about school. This is where you, the student’s trusted supporter, come in! We know you’re the best referral we could ask for, so we’re asking you to take some time to review the Student Learning & Transitions Academic Skills Resource Page, so you know what’s available.

Information Essentials 

Your Laker is going to start talking about things that might leave you scratching your head. Click here to get your cheat sheet to the essential information and key terms the student in your life might be referencing.


Residence Life

What will Residence look like in the upcoming year?

Residence will still have some limitations for the up coming year. Some services such as rental items from the front desks may be limited. As well, programming will be made available in a mix of virtual and in-person, depending upon public health guidelines.

What happen if our student doesn't get along with their roommates?

We encourage students to approach roommate relationships with an open mind, recognizing that each person will have different expectations of the household, and roommate relationships. Students are provided with tools to help them get off to a good start by creating a roommate agreement that addresses expectations for common household points of consideration.  When conflict arises, we have escalating conflict mediation steps in place, with the support of our peer leadership team to help address the concerns.  Spaces permitting, reassignment may be made available as a last resort.

How can I set my student up for success outside of the classroom?

The obvious answers are things like household management skills – things like cooking, cleaning & laundry.  In addition to these, it is helpful to remind students that new experiences help us grow and that navigating change can be difficult but that they can do hard things! Getting involved in activities helps student to make connections and combat common early feelings of loneliness.  Making connections early also means that students will have identified supports if a concern arises, or at a time when they need help.

Student Counselling Services

Does Student Counselling Services provide therapy online?

Yes, Nipissing University can provide online therapy services to all students located in Ontario via a secure video platform called Wellness Online. If a student requests a virtual appointment, we email them instructions on how to set up their account with Wellness Online and log in for their appointment.

Students can attend their scheduled sessions a desktop or mobile device. Students who are not located in Ontario, should contact to get talk with someone about support options available to them.

Student Counselling Services provides a variety of therapy services (group therapy, brief individual therapy, Dibaadan Supports, E- modules, specialized referral, peer support). How do I know what service(s) my student will receive?

Each student with meets with a counsellor to discuss their unique needs, desires, and goals. Students then review the services options available with the counsellor and select what is most fitting for them. If students decide later that the service, they have selected does not fit their needs, they can speak with the counsellor to change to a more different option.

How much does therapy cost?

All therapy costs are covered by the student’s ancillary fee payments. Students will not be asked for more money at the time of services and your medical insurance will not be billed.

Office of Indigenous Initiatives

What type of programs and services does OII offer to students?

OII offers a broad range of personal, academic, and cultural support activities and special events.

Are OII programs and services for Indigenous students only?

OII programs and services are designed for Indigenous students, but all students are welcome.

Do I have to register for services and programs delivered by OII?

Students reaching out to OII for the first time can fill out an online registration form at and click on Student Success.

Student Intervention Services

What is the role of the Student Intervention Specialist?

Act as a service navigator and case manager for students who have complex mental health concerns or minor conduct issues. The service is voluntary to help get students connected to the most appropriate services on or off-campus.

What if my student has to leave campus due to mental health concerns?

Your student can have a faculty or staff contact the Student Intervention Specialist to help the student navigate the appropriate services needed.

Student Accessibility Services

What types of disabilities do you support?

SAS provides support to students with permanent and temporary disabilities. The disabilities we accommodate include but are not limited to: Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Medical, Physical, Acquired Brain Injury (including concussions), Deaf/Deafened/Hard of Hearing, and Blind/Low Vision.  For more information, please visit

What documentation is required? Is an IEP sufficient?

Although the IEP contains helpful information, we require current documentation of the disability which has been completed by registered health care provider with specific expertise in that disability (e.g. an audiologist for hearing disabilities; a psychologist for learning disabilities, a psychiatrist or physician for mental health disabilities: etc.) For more information, please visit

When is the best time to register with SAS?

Students may register with SAS at any point in the year; however, it is recommended that they register with SAS prior to or at the beginning of the school year. This way, accommodations will be in place prior to the beginning of classes, and students can begin requesting accommodations right away, as certain accommodations can take a period of time to be set up (alternate format textbooks, note takers, closed captioning, etc.). For more information, please visit


Instructions for Course Registration

  1. Go to Nipissing University’s Website: and then click the My Nipissing link in the top right corner.
  2. Enter your user name. This was provided to you in your acknowledgement package. Enter your password in the following format: Mmmddyyyy. (For example, if your birthday is September 9, 1999 then your password would be Sep091999. Please note that the month is three letters starting with a capital letter). Click submit.
  3. Click on Go to WebAdvisor.
  4. Click on Students.
  5. Click on Search and Register for Classes.
  6. Select the term 21FW – UG 2021/22FA/WI from the dropdown menu.
  7. Select a course subject (e.g., Biology) from the dropdown menu and hit ‘Submit’. You may also choose to filter your search by inputting the course number and/or location. The following screen will display the results of your search. Click the box on the left to choose the courses in which you wish to register. Click Submit.
  8. On the following screen (Preferred Sections), select an Action for each course you have selected. In the Action box, you have three options: ‘Register’, ‘Remove from list’, or ‘Waitlist’.

    - If the course is open, select ‘Register’ to enrol in the course.
    - If the course is full and you wish to go on a waiting list, select ‘Waitlist’ to be added to the waiting list.
    - If you neither want to register nor want to go on the waiting list, you can choose ‘Remove from List’ to remove that course selection from your Preferred Sections.
    - Once you choose what you want to do, click ‘Submit’. Please note that the system will only allow you to register for courses you are eligible to take.

  9. On the following screen, you will receive a message indicating your status in the chosen course(s). Your status should appear as ‘Registered for this section’ to indicate that you have registered successfully in the course.
  10. Return to the menu, click on ‘Search and Register for Classes’ and repeat the steps to register in courses of a different discipline.
  11. To drop courses on WebAdvisor, click on ‘Register/Drop Classes’. The screen will list both your Preferred Sections and Current Registrations. Under Current Registrations, select the course you wish to drop and click submit. You will receive a message indicating your status in the chosen course(s). Your status should appear as ‘Dropped for this section’ to indicate that you have successfully dropped the course.
  12. To get a listing of your courses, click on ‘View My Class Selections’ or ‘View My Timetable’. It is a good idea to double-check your registration through these screens after making any changes to ensure everything is as you expect.

How to Find Your Transfer Credits

Your transfer credit will be processed when you have accepted your offer of admission and submitted your final college and/or university transcript showing all your final grades and your diploma has been awarded or your university transcript showing final grades. When you request your final college transcript, please ensure that your transcript indicates that you graduated. Once your transfer credit is processed, you will be able to view it on WebAdvisor under Summary of Transfer Credits (under Prospective Students menu) or under Unofficial Transcript which contains more explanation (under Students menu - available after June 30 only). Go to Nipissing University’s Website: and then click the ‘My Nipissing’ link in the top right corner.

If this summary section is blank, and you feel you should be receiving transfer credits click "Return to Menu" and then on “Important Documents Outstanding/Received” under Communication to check on the status of any required documents. Any questions should be directed to the Registrar’s Office at

Instructions for Managing Your Waitlist

For courses that allow a waiting list, Manage My Waitlist will show you what position you are on the waiting list. You will also be able to register yourself in the course once a space is available.

  1. At any time you may select Manage My Waitlist to see what position you are on a list.
  2. If space is available in a course Manage My Waitlist will show the status as “Permission to Register”. An email will also be sent to your Nipissing student email account to notify you that a space is available.
  3. To register in the course you would select the action ‘Register’.

If you do not wish to remain on a waiting list, go to Manage My Waitlist and select the action ‘Remove’ to remove your name from the waiting list.

Once you've completed the Online Learning Modules and reviewed the Course Registration tab, you are ready to register for your courses!  

Please select from the options below for more information.

Course Selection for Students Direct from High School

Click the link below for information about the course selection process, including step-by-step guides to selecting your courses, and course recommendations based on your program of study.

Guide to Course Recommendations and Selection         


Course Selection for Transfer Students

Students coming to Nipissing with transfer credits from another university or college are encouraged to contact Academic Advising to discuss recommendations for their first year at Nipissing.  An Academic Advisor will review your transfer credits to help you develop an academic plan that meets your program and degree requirements.  

For a video to assist you in understanding your transfer credits, click here.

To request course recommendations from an Advisor, you may email or connect with an Advisor over a live chat.  

Connect with an Advisor          


Course Selection for Mature Students

Mature students who qualify for admission can be admitted full-time on probation with a reduced course load to a maximum of 24 credits. Please review your offer of admission to see how many credits you will be permitted to take. If you will be taking a reduced load, please use the following step-by-step guide to selecting your courses however, we recommend you prioritize your program requirements over the electives when selecting your courses.  

Guide to Course Recommendations and Selection