Distress Tolerance


A free and confidential phone or textline specifically for post-secondary students who want professional counselling and information/referrals for mental health, addictions, and well-being; available 24/7/365.


5 Myths about Self-Harm
A short BBC video of folks who self-harm who aim to bust myths about the topic.

From Scars to Strength: The Poetry of Recovery
In this intimate and poetic TED Talk, artist and Executive Director of youth mental health organization shares her insights about self-injury, self awareness, recovery, systemic issues, and hope.

Suicidal or Self Harm
Brief animated, psycho-educational video about self-harm and thoughts of suicide; mature content.


Re-Write: The Journey from Self Harm to Healing
ReWrite is a book that cuts through stigmatizing and medical terminology to help those who cut and help their friends and family have a better understanding of self-injury; includes a bonus workbook by co-author and mental health provider.


Alternatives for Self-Harm & Distraction Techniques
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
These are some ideas for helping people delay or avoid self-harm that you might wish to consider.

Alternatives for Self-Harm Resource
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
All suggested by folks who self-harm, this toolkit offers a variety of tips and resources to help delay or avoid self-harm.

DBT Distress Tolerance Skills
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
These skills are helpful for situations where you might not be able to control a situation, but need to manage your own response.

DBT Improve
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Distressing situations do not always have quick solutions. When this is the case, there might be no choice but to sit with uncomfortable emotions and wait for them to pass. The IMPROVE acronym outlines skills for improving the moment, making it easier to tolerate these situations.

DBT Radical Acceptance
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Radical acceptance means accepting something fully, mentally and emotionally, without judgment. It does not require liking or approving of something. It means only that the facts are accepted as reality.

Emotion Exploration Scale
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Understanding what an emotion feels like, and how it changes as it grows, is one of the first steps to learning how to control the emotion.

Freedom from Self-Harm: Overcoming Self-Injury with Skills from DBT and other Treatment
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
This workbook offers a guide to stopping self-injury by providing facts about self-harm, corrects common myths, and provides self-soothing techniques you can begin using right away for regulating difficult or overwhelming emotions.

Urge Surfing Handout
PDF Handout
Urge surfing is a technique for managing your unwanted behaviours. Rather than giving in to an urge, you will ride it out, like a surfer riding a wave. After a short time, the urge will pass on its own.


Calm Harm
This app provides tools to help you “ride the wave” in a customizable way that you can later rate; available in Google Play and the Apple App Store.


Self-Injury Outreach & Support
This Ontario website has everything you want and need to know about self-injury - whether you are someone who self-injures, want to provide information to others so they know the most helpful way to support you, or you are concerned for someone else - browse now.