Managing Mood Disorders

A free and confidential phone or textline specifically for post-secondary students who want professional counselling and information/referrals for mental health, addictions, and well-being; available 24/7/365.

Giving Voice to Depression 
This is an entire podcast created by a journalist and co-hosted with her sister, both who identify with depression and wanted to begin discussions about the topic in an informative and hopeful way. Scroll through or check out their "Review" episodes to find the ones that interest you!

The Hilarious World of Depression 
This is an entire podcast that has frank, moving, and yes, funny conversations with top comedians who have dealt with depression. Scroll through the episodes to find the ones that interest you!

7 Things to Avoid When Depressed 
This short, animated video provides information and tips on how to cope with depression.

“I’m Fine” - Learning to Live with Depression
In this TED Talk, a 31 year old vlogger shared his journey of how he managed his mental health through exercise, and connecting to the great outdoors and with others.

Melancholia (2012)
The following Sci-Fi movie, starring Kirsten Dunst, was voted (by folks who experience depression) one of the most accurate representations of what it is like to live with depression. Mature content.

How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use
A cleverly written book, which -if followed- are sure to lead to a lifetime of unhappiness; on the other hand, if you do the opposite, you may yet join the ranks of happy people everywhere!

CCI Module for Depression
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information, worksheets, and a workbook that guides you through 9 modules for helping understand and improve experiences of depression.

Mind Over Mood
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
This book is a self-directed Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) guide, including informative and reflective practices to help you take powerful steps to overcome depression and feel happier, calmer, and more confident

MoodTools - Depression Aid 
A free, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) App for helping depression; includes information, therapy options, videos, guided meditations, and a safety plan ("BeSafe" section can be downloaded as a separate app if preferred) - check it out! Available in Google Play and the Apple App Store.