Counselling Resource Libraries

CCI Module for Anxiety
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information and worksheets to help you understand and improve your experiences of anxiety.

CCI Module for Depression
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information, worksheets, and a workbook that guides you through 9 modules for helping understand and improve experiences of depression.

CCI Module for Panic
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information, worksheets, and a workbook that guides you through 12 modules for helping understand and reclaim control over experiences of panic.

CCI Module for Social Anxiety
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information, worksheets, and a workbook that guides you through 12 modules for helping understand and improve experiences of social anxiety.

CCI Module for Worry & Rumination
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Here you can find information, worksheets, and a workbook that guides you through 10 modules for helping understand and improve experiences of worry and rumination.

Mind Over Mood
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
This book is a self-directed Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) guide, including informative and reflective practices to help you take powerful steps to overcome depression and feel happier, calmer, and more confident

DBT Distress Tolerance Skills
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
These skills are helpful for situations where you might not be able to control a situation, but need to manage your own response.

DBT Improve
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Distressing situations do not always have quick solutions. When this is the case, there might be no choice but to sit with uncomfortable emotions and wait for them to pass. The IMPROVE acronym outlines skills for improving the moment, making it easier to tolerate these situations.

DBT Radical Acceptance
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Radical acceptance means accepting something fully, mentally and emotionally, without judgment. It does not require liking or approving of something. It means only that the facts are accepted as reality.

Emotion Exploration Scale
Self-Help Worksheet or Module
Understanding what an emotion feels like, and how it changes as it grows, is one of the first steps to learning how to control the emotion.