Aboriginal author speaking to students

Nipissing welcomes Aboriginal author Chad Solomon to campus on Monday, July 5, to talk to students about his work at 9:30 a.m. 
Solomon is the creator of the comic Rabbit and Bear Paws, which follows the story of two mischievous Ojibwa brothers in 18th century North America.  In 2005, he started Little Spirit Bear Productions, a First Nations Multi-Media company created to share the humorous adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws.  Solomon is the grandson of Native Traditional Healer and Justice Activist Art Solomon.
Rabbit and Bear Paws is created and drawn with the guidance of Community Elders in collaboration with writer Christopher Myer. The first series of comic strips are based upon the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers (wisdom from the Anishinabek community) and are rapidly gaining enthusiastic fans for their vibrant and entertaining images of Native traditions and oral history.
Following his talk, Solomon will meet with Nipissing’s Aboriginal students, receive a tour of the campus, and have lunch with Aboriginal faculty and staff in the brand new Office of Aboriginal Initiatives.

My Nipissing