Canadore College Strike Update & FAQ

Canadore College full-time support staff are on strike.?Nipissing welcomes students to campus for the start of a new year! As you arrive on campus you'll notice that the full-time staff at Canadore College are currently on strike and since we share the same physical facilities with Canadore, the strike will affect our operations.The information below and the Student FAQwill provide some guidelines for you that will minimize the disruption caused by the strike.
As you may be aware, Canadore College is a member of the Ontario Council of Regents. You may have heard on the news or read in the paper that the Ontario Council of Regents is negotiating with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). An agreement has not been reached and Canadore College full-time support staff are on strike.
THINGS YOU MUST KNOWProcedures/Processes for the Continuation of Academic Programs and Services at Nipissing University during a strike at Canadore CollegeNIPISSING UNIVERSITY WILL OPERATE AS USUAL:The University’s priorities are to maintain our academic endeavors of teaching, learning and research. Therefore, the University will remain open for students, staff and faculty. All operations will continue to function as normally as possible. The administration will make all reasonable efforts to maintain adequate services and resources to support all University operations. We expect classes, meetings and other functions to be held as scheduled. We recognize, nonetheless, that a strike will cause disruption in our normal activities.

We anticipate that all individuals will show mature judgment, responsibility, flexibility and good will in attempting to minimize the effects of disruption on our academic endeavors.COMMUNICATION – DURING THE STRIKEWe will have official University communications to keep you informed of developments as they emerge. We have done, or will do, the following:Established a “help line” 705-474-3450 ext. 4288;Set up a special web page entitled “Update: Canadore Strike” on our University home page. The URL (see News section)Send out regular emails to students, staff and faculty regarding the strike;Post bulletins around campus; andEstablish a central email account to receive questions from students, staff and faculty. The email address
To ensure that as many services as possible will be continued, we have established a Work Disruption or Contingency Management Committee. All efforts will be made to keep the community informed, in a timely fashion, of changes as they occur.RIGHT TO STRIKEIt is important to remember that the Canadore College Full-time Support Staff are legally entitled to strike and to establish picket lines.WORKING DURING A STRIKEYou will be expected to carry out all of your duties and responsibilities at the normal times and places scheduled. Employees who choose not to cross the picket lines and otherwise fail to perform all aspects of their assigned Nipissing duties and professional responsibilities will not be paid. The University will honour previously booked vacation time, floater days, personal leave and leaves of absence. However, new requests for time off will be governed by operating requirements consistent with the terms of our collective agreements and policies and procedures.BUS SERVICE – NORTH BAY TRANSITBus service to and from the University will continue. The buses will not cross the picket lines and riders will be dropped off in alternate locations just before the picket line. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN CROSSING THE ROAD.LIBRARY SERVICES/BOOKS ON LOAN/E-BOOKS & E-JOURNALSLibrary and computing technology services will be maintained during a strike; you can both borrow and return books and other materials during regular hours. You should return borrowed items on schedule. If you do not wish to come to the Harris Learning Library during a strike, library materials may also be returned through a temporary drop box that will be located at the Chancellors House Residence. Loans of Library materials can always be renewed online through MY Account in the Library Catalogue.

Of course, use of e-books and e-journals will be unaffected.

If you have any questions, feel free to phone us at 705-474-3450 ext. 4222.WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT PICKET LINESPICKET LINES:
In a labour dispute, picketers are legally permitted to:Carry signs stating the nature of the disputeSpeak to you about their concernsAsk you to join the picket linesHOW TO APPROACH A PICKET LINEPicketers are supposed to keep moving and allow free passage in and out by non-striking individuals (students, staff and faculty); however, it is most likely that you will experience some delays, so please be patient.

Should you find picketers stationed at the entrance you normally use to come into the University, please remember to be patient. Please observe the following suggestions/guidelines for approaching a picket line:If you are not allowed through the picket line or if you are threatened, do not attempt to force your way in. Display patience and remain calm.Approach the line slowly. If you are operating a vehicle, plan your approach to the University, if at all possible, so that you will be making a right turn into the campus. The latter will avoid you being caught in the middle of an intersection in case of delays.Have your Nipissing University identification ready to show the picketers. This may help you to proceed more quickly through the line. Announce this to your students the first week of school.Whether driving or walking onto campus, be prepared to stop. Be prepared to wait until you can safely pass through the picket line.Be prepared for delays. Remember to operate your vehicle in a safe and lawful fashion at all times.Roll down your vehicle window or otherwise indicate your willingness to communicate with the picketers.Proceed normally and if you are stopped, explain politely that you are exercising your legal right to come to work, that you wish to proceed, and that you work or are a student at Nipissing University.The picketers may provide you with information and wish to discuss the issues with you. Explain your situation, stating words similar to the following: “I would like to exercise my right to come to work. Please let me cross the picket line.”Consider car pooling or other alternate travel arrangements for the duration of the strike.Leave for work or class earlier than usual to ensure arrival on time.In the event that you believe you are being threatened, note the description (or name if possible) as well as the circumstances surrounding such action.Do not become involved in any arguments or any type of altercation.If there is a problem, find a telephone and call 705-474-3450 ext. 4288 or your supervisor.Please remember that the majority of the picketers will be members of our community who are engaged in a lawful dispute with the College System. When the dispute is over, the employees will return to their respective positions and therefore we should all exhibit flexibility based on good judgment.SPOKESPERSONThe Vice-President, Finance and Administration, will be the spokesperson for the University during the Canadore Strike.
Employees should not make any public statements about the strike. The University wants to keep you informed; therefore, a variety of communication methods as delineated in #1 above will be used (University webpage, email, help line, central email account, and various posters/bulletins around the University campus). Please check official University communications regularly.< Do not assume that other sources of information are accurate until you check official University communications. University decisions (i.e., postponement of events, cancellations, closures, etc.) will be communicated through the University website (News section) and via emails and bulletins.
The University Management Team felt it was necessary to develop this memo/communiqué so that you will know the University’s intention, your rights and responsibilities, the striker’s rights and responsibilities, and what official University communication vehicles will be available to you.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We will keep you informed.

My Nipissing