Nipissing gets great scores in Globe’s Canadian University Report 2012

Students and graduates gave Nipissing University great scores in the 10th Anniversary edition of the Canadian University Report, published Tuesday by the Globe and Mail. 
Of the 19 categories, Nipissing was first or tied for first among small universities in seven, including Student Residences (A), Quality of Teaching and Learning (A-), Instructors’ teaching style (A-), Student-faculty interaction (A) Class size (A+) Career preparation (B+) and Work-Play balance (B). Nipissing ranked near the top of our category, which is for universities with enrollment between 4,000 and 10,000 students, in another nine criteria. 

“We have lots to celebrate with this report,” says Dr. Lesley Lovett-Doust, Nipissing’s president and vice chancellor. “These marks come directly from our students and we feel they are in an excellent position to critique what we do.” 

The survey was done during the last school year with students who did not have the opportunity to use the Harris Learning Library, which opened in June 2011 or see the multi-million dollar expansion to the athletics centre (Oct. 2011).

Nipissing received below average marks for Recreation and Athletics (B-) and Libraries (B-). 

“We expect that we’ll see improvements in these grades next year as students take advantage of these exceptional new learning and activity spaces,” says Lovett-Doust. 

The Globe’s data comes from a 100-question survey filled out by 33,000 undergraduate students across Canada. 

For a full look at the report, visit…
Nipissing University Results
Most Satisfied Students: B+
Quality of Teaching and Learning A- (Tied for top in category.)
Instructor’s teaching style A- (Tied for top in category.)
Student-Faculty interaction A (Tied for top in category.)
Course registration: B
Class Size A+ (Tied for top in category.)
Academic Counselling: B+
Reputation with employers: B+
Career Preparation: B+ (Tied for top in category.)
Research Opportunities: B
Buildings and Facilities: B
Student Residences: A (Only school in entire survey with an A)
Recreation and Athletics: B-
Libraries: B-
Information Technology: B
Campus Atmosphere: A-
Environmental Commitment: B-
Work-Play Balance: A- (Tied for top in category.)
City Satisfaction: B

My Nipissing