Nipissing helping to celebrate Small Business Week

Nipissing University is joining in the celebrations to mark the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Week October 17 – 23.
On Tuesday, October 19, during the Evening of Excellence Awards, Bob Carpenter, director of Nipissing’s School of Business will present the Young Professional of the Year Award.  The awards portion of the evening takes place at the Best Western from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
The university is also proud to host the "Salute to Small Business" on Thursday, October 21, featuring guest speakers Dr. Harry Rosen and Dini Petty.  It takes place in the Nipissing University Theatre from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. and costs $15.  Rosen, an award winning retailer who built Harry Rosen Inc. into one of the leading menswear companies in Canada, received an honorary degree from Nipissing in 2008.
“Nipissing is thrilled to be welcoming Dr. Rosen back to campus.  It is always special when one of our honorary degree recipients returns.  In this case, it is even more meaningful because he will be speaking about his success in growing a business.  With his extensive knowledge, and the always brilliant and entertaining Dini Petty, it will surely be an illuminating and interesting evening,” said Lesley Lovett-Doust, Nipissing University president.
“Nipissing’s School of Business strives to develop future business professionals that are innovative and who understand the needs of entrepreneurship and enterprise. Small Business Week is an excellent opportunity to build relationships between the university and business,” said Carpenter.
For more information, please visit the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce’s

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