Nipissing launches student Facebook app

Nipissing University successfully launched its first Facebook application for students this week during New Student Orientation.The purpose of the application is to provide a space for Nipissing students to connect with one another and over 75 students signed up just hours after its release. The app is only available to Nipissing students and integrates with students' facebook accounts to create a seamless way for them to get to know other students with similar interests.
The app will help new students make the transition to university life and engage current students throughout their time at Nipissing.  It allows students to search for other students by their interests, degree majors, and to create groups.

"Overall it reassures students that there are others like them and that takes some of the pressure off," says Lisa Drinkwalter, Manager of Integrated Marketing Communications at Nipissing University. "Nipissing offers many services to students and this is a great complement to what already exists. We know that students who are engaged have a more fulfilling time at university and are more likely to succeed. We hope that this service will help foster that."
The application was created by Facebook developer,Inigral, and introduced to Canada by Academica Group. The companies, along with Nipissing University, plan to offer an alumni app in the future so that the connections and conversations can continue long after graduation.  

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