One-day powwow at Education Centre

Nipissing University and Canadore College are hosting the fifth annual welcome powwow, Friday, September 17, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. beside the Education Centre Pond.

This one-day powwow provides an opportunity to welcome Aboriginal students to campus by celebrating the diversity of all Nations represented at Canadore College and Nipissing University through the sharing of Aboriginal Culture. Traditional drummers, singers and dancers in regalia, including students and faculty from Canadore and Nipissing, will be participating.

The welcome powwow is an inclusive event, admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend.

There are more than 600 self-identified First Nation, Inuit and Métis students enrolled in courses at Canadore and Nipissing. Many travel long distances to attend school in North Bay, from as far west as Alberta to James Bay and Northern Québec.  

 “The welcome powwow is a terrific opportunity for our students to start building a strong support network of friends and colleagues to assist in their transition to university and help ensure a positive experience,” said Laurie McLaren, director of the Office of Aboriginal Initiatives at Nipissing University.  “It’s also a great way for the entire campus as well as the local community to share in an activity that is deeply rooted in First Nation tradition.”

“Canadore College is honoured to be the college of choice for many Aboriginal learners and partners,” said Shawn Chorney, acting vice-president of student services and human resources. “The welcome powwow aims to help students adjust and make the College feel more like home and affirms our commitment to our community partners and the strong respect that Canadore holds for Aboriginal culture.”

The powwow is hosted by Canadore College’s Aboriginal Learning Unit and Nipissing University’s Office of Aboriginal Initiatives.

Invited guests who will be speaking at the powwow include:
Chief Marianna Couchie, Nipissing First Nation; Deputy Council Chief Glen Hare, Anishinabek Nation; Senator Marlene Greenwood, North Bay Métis Council; Anthony Rota, Member of Parliament Nipissing, Temiskaming; Honourable Monique Smith, Member of Provincial Parliament Nipissing; Mayor Vic Fedeli, The City of North Bay; Dr. Lesley Lovett- Doust, President, Nipissing University; and George Burton, President Canadore College.

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