Upper lips at the ready - Movember approaching

Photo of a man in an Oakland A's hat and a giant handlebar moustache

Things are about to get hairy.With the trees almost finished ditching their leaves, it is now almost time for that final autumnal shave before men everywhere let their inner Burt Reynolds, Rollie Fingers, or Ron Burgundy out to play for the month of Movember.Movember is a global movement in which moustaches (Mo’s) are grown and money is raised to increase awareness of men’s health issues and battle prostate cancer. So, men (Mo Bros), start growing your moustache; ladies (Mo Sistas), start complimenting your friends’/brothers’/spouse’s moustache.
Once again this year, Nipissing is hip to the Movember’s lip. Besides all staff and faculty being heartily encouraged to grow a mo, two casual dress Fridays in Movember are already specified as Movember fund raisers: Movember 4 and Movember 18. Please give generously and if you see Mo Bros in the hall, make sure to ooo and ahhh over their most excellent ‘stache.
Get involved, you don’t have to wait for casual dress days to give! You can give anytime, and you can join the Nipissing University Movember team (quite an elite force). Click here to go to the team’s page and you can join the team and/or give to the cause.All proceeds raised will go to prostate cancer research via Movember.
If you are looking to grow your mo…just start with a clean shaven upper lip on Movember 1 and let nature take over. Don’t worry, your mo knows what to do. Perhaps you’ll be graced with a Snidely Whiplash! Or the coveted Lanny MacDonald, perhaps the more challenging Charlie Chaplin is the mo for you…you’ll never know until you try.
Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.1 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate, with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Ireland. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health cause across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.
In 2010, nearly 119,000 Canadian Mo Bros and Mo Sistas got on board, raising $22.3 million CAD.
No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, getting them to act on that knowledge thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment. 
Want to learn more about Movember? Check out their web site. 
For inspiration,Mo Bro Brendan O’Connor has grown this exciting video. 

My Nipissing