Assistant coach opportunity for Toivo Koivukoski

Opportunity with the Ontario Ski TeamNipissing Nordic's head coach, Toivo Koivukoski was invited to apply for an assistant coach position with the Ontario Ski Team for an upcoming training camp in Oberhof Germany. The team will spend nine days at the winter sports center in Oberhof, which includes an indoor ski hall allowing for summer skiing on snow at low altitude.“Cross country skiers are made in the summer through large volumes of training and technique work,” says coach Koivukoski. “This opportunity to get time in on snow during the summer will be an advantage for the Ontario Team when it comes time to compete with the nation's best in winter. It is an honour and a privilege to help our province's best with their ski technique, and a treat to be on snow in summer!”
The coaches and athletes will be focusing on perfecting ski technique, and translating the 'snow-feel' of gliding into the roller ski work that makes up a good part of the summer training. Two local junior athletes and members of Nipissing Nordic's partnered North Bay Nordic Junior Racing Team, Madison Fraser and Aaron Birosh will be making the trip, which bodes well for the development of skiing in North Bay and the region.
Local junior skiers and others invited from within the Northern Ontario Division are presently working through a 3-day dry land volume training camp at Nipissing University, making good use of the facilities and trails at Nipissing Athletics and North Bay Nordic, while showing the region's up and coming young skiers what Nipissing has to offer.
