From Bracebridge to Baghdad - What We Can Do for Peace at Home and Abroad

Dr. Ben Hoffman, president of the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN) and former Director of the Conflict Resolution Program at the Jimmy Carter Center, will give a public lecture focusing on the positives in a world that often feels far too insecure, chaotic and fragile.The lecture, titled From Bracebridge to Baghdad: What We Can Do for Peace at Home and Abroad, takes place on Friday October 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the lecture hall at Nipissing University’s Muskoka Campus in Bracebridge.
Drawing on his experience working against violence at the community level in Canada  and in high stakes international peace negotiations, including meeting the notorious Joseph Kony of the Lords Resistance Army, Dr. Hoffman will present the argument that our challenge now is to look at power differently, and to use it constructively. His ideas touch our personal lives as well as Canada’s role internationally.
For more information, please
This public talk is co-sponsored by Canadian international Institute of Applied Negotiations and the Nipissing University Peace Research Initiative.
The talk will also be available off-site via live-streaming at:
The public talk will be followed on Saturday with a conference that will bring together professional negotiators, community workers, police services, and Nipissing faculty engaged in discussion on what can be done to prevent violence in our communities.
For more information or for a program please contact Toivo Koivukoski
