Discover what’s possible with TEDxNipissingU this Thursday

This Thursday Nipissing University will help the world to learn what’s possible as the university hosts TEDxNipissingU, featuring a free live stream available
Presentations run from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Nipissing’s North Bay campus will be running the live stream in the Nipissing Theatre (F213); the university’s Brantford campus will be running the live stream in Theatre A/B.
?TEDxNipissingU is an independently organized event, licensed by TED. The theme of the event, What’s Possible, will be explored through three separate sessions throughout the day: Create What’s Possible, Discover What’s Possible and Achieve What’s Possible. The event features 13 speakers and three TEDTalks.?
Hosted at Nipissing’s Muskoka Campus, TEDxNipissingU will also be streamed to 14 participating high schools in North Bay, Muskoka, and Brantford. The content is expected to provide an excellent platform for conversation both in and out of the classroom.
Some notable speakers include:ome notable speakers include:Dr. Peter Sale, assistant director at United Nations University’s Institute for Water, Environment and Health, and author of the book, Our Dying Planet.George Kouronis, host of Angry Planet, adventurer and explorer specializing in the extremes of the natural world.Roy Slack, President of Cementation Inc. who, with their Chilean partner Terraservice, were involved in the mine rescue program at the San Jose mine in Chile.Ray Zahab, former pack-a-day smoker turned ultramarathoner, world record holder, founder of impossible2Possible, and an internationally renowned public speaker. For  a complete schedule or more information about the event, please For regular event updates, follow @TEDxNipissingU on Twitter or check out the iPhone app TEDxNipissingU.  ?

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