Esteemed historian McKay speaking in North Bay

NipissingUniversity’s history department welcomes one of Canada’s preeminent historians,
Dr. Ian McKay, to North Bay for two engaging discussions.

Wednesday, January 25, Mckay will participate in a panel discussion with
Nipissing University professor Dr. Larry Patriquin, titled Unite the Left North Bay? A Community Conversation.  The discussion takes place at 8 p.m. at the WKP
Kennedy Gallery (150 Main Street East). 
The North Bay community is invited to share their knowledge and ideas.

will also deliver the annual History Department’s keynote lecture on Thursday,
January 26, at 7:30 p.m. in room H106. 
Titled, Warrior Nation: the Use and Abuse of History in Harper’s Canada, the lecture will critique the attempt by Stephen
Harper’s Conservative government to position war as central to the Canadian
experience.  Doing so, he argues, requires a reworking of Canadian history
and a fundamental reconceptualization of Canada itself.    

is a professor of History at Queen’s University.  His recent book, Reasoning Otherwise:
Leftists and the People's Enlightenment in Canada won
the 2008 John A. Macdonald prize from the Canadian Historical Association for
best book of the year.  His article The
Liberal Order Framework: A Prospectus for a Reconnaissance of Canadian History
is remaking how historians understand the Canadian past.  McKay
specializes in Canadian cultural history, working-class history, the history of
Canadian socialism and the history of Nova Scotia.  

These events are free of
charge and all are welcome.

History Department