Help grad build outdoor classroom, votes needed

Nipissing alumna, Lyndsey Mask (nee McLellan) (BA’07, BEd’08) is looking to help her school win a $20,000 outdoor classroom. You can help with a simple vote, while giving yourself the chance to win $10,000!

Mask’s school, Killaloe Public School, has been named one of the top 10 finalists in Canada in a contest run by MAJESTA Trees of Knowledge with Tree Canada and Focus on Forests. She and her students and colleagues hope to create an outdoor space in which children and learn and thrive. With the prize money they will plant Maple, Beech and Hemlock trees, create a butterfly meadow, build a seating area and boulder garden all linked with accessible pathways, and more.For Mask and her students to win, they need your votes.

To vote, simply go to

Just by voting, you’ll get the chance to win $10,000, and you’ll help a Nipissing grad help her school…win win win!Voting opens on March 28 and closes May 11, 2012.

Voting Eligibility: Must be a legal resident of Canada, located in Canada, reached the age of majority in your province or territory of residence at the time of entry, and have and use only one valid email address to participate in the contest. Entrants can place one (1) vote per day.

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AlumniMy Nipissing