International Food Fest at Nipissing University

Sample the tastes of the world this weekend at Nipissing University’s annual International Food Fest, Sunday, March 11, from noon – 2 p.m. at The Wall (100 College Drive).
Volunteers will be serving up delicious dishes from around the world while supplies last, so be sure to arrive early to avoid disappointment and hunger.  Tickets cost $10 for 10 food samples and are available at the door.  All proceeds support Nipissing’s WUSC Student Refugee Sponsorship Program. 

The Food Festival features a sampling of dishes from around the world, as well as a variety of cross-cultural entertainment. Once again this year, the festival also includes a silent auction featuring items running the gamut from hotel rooms and gift certificates to dance lessons and ski tune-ups.

This annual event is organized by Nipissing University’s International Office, the local World University Service of Canada (WUSC) committee and The North Bay and District Multicultural Centre, and Big Brother Big Sisters of North Bay and District.  

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