New students getting the jump at Nipissing

First-year students who will be attending Nipissing University this fall are getting the jump on their studies this week and next as the university hosts New Student Orientation (NSO), and Kristen Brazeau, can hardly wait.

Brazeau, who is set to begin studying for a Nursing degree is attending NSO on July 16.

“I’m really excited about coming to Nipissing for my Nursing degree,” said Brazeau. “The Nursing program and the campus really stood out for me when I was deciding which university to attend.  I'm happy to be going to a school that is known for providing lots of one-on-one time with professors and has a very welcoming campus environment with lots of outdoor activities to enjoy.  NSO gives me a chance to get better acquainted with my professors and other students as well as the campus and everything it offers. Hopefully I can see it all!”

Nipissing expects to welcome about 1,000 people to North Bay for NSO, including roughly 300 high school graduates and their families and friends.

NSO provides first-year students the chance to discover essential information about Nipissing.  Students will have the opportunity to meet with their future professors and receive an overview of the academic expectations and requirements unique to Nipissing University.  They will be able to discuss their particular program with academic advisors to ensure that their course selections are accurate and complete. Each NSO participant will also be provided time to talk to current students about the transition to university to help prepare for classes in September.  As well, students and their families receive a tour of the campus and learn about the support services, resources, educational and extra-curricular opportunities available to them as Nipissing students.

Each NSO day also includes student and parent forums in which current students and university administrators answer questions about Nipissing University, North Bay and first year experiences and expectations.

“Even though I’m entering my fourth year at Nipissing, I can still clearly remember my first days at the university, feeling overwhelmed with tasks and apprehensive to ask for help.  NSO can really help that transition from high school to university” said Catherine Cardona, Nipisisng’s NSO Leader. “Being the NSO Leader allows me to give back to the university and help prepare first-year students for their new adventure.”

NSO days are organized around the academic programs available at Nipissing.  This allows incoming students to meet their fellow classmates early and make a connection with some of the people they will be sitting beside during their lectures this September. 

NSO began on July 3, and continues on July 5, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 23 from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. 


My Nipissing