Nipissing branded Pens available through Shipping & Receiving

Need a Nipissing University branded item for your next event?Consider a Nipissing University Sharpie Pen from Shipping & Receiving!The Office of External Relations is very pleased to announce that Nipissing University Sharpie Pens can now be obtained on a cost-recovery basis through Shipping & Receiving. Cost per pen is $1.40 each - taxes included. Just head down to Shipping & Receiving, mark your quantities on the appropriate form, and your budget will be billed at the end of the month.
Please note that larger quantities may require 2-3 weeks lead time.Contact Kevin Vibe at extension 4544, or Shawn Bester at extension 4533, to confirm available stock.
Also, keep an eye out for Nipissing University lanyards in the months to come!

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