ENACTUS Nipissing brings home trophy

Photo of ENACTUS team

Nipissing’s ENACTUS team travelled to the ENACTUS National Competition last week in Toronto, where they took home the runner-up trophy in their league and made a date for coffee with a dragon.The Nipissing team showcased four of their recent projects: Halloween Blood Donor Clinic, Project Warmth, Back 2 the Tap, and LEAP (local entrepreneur action plans). Each team had seventeen minutes to present their projects to a panel of twenty business judges. The Nipissing team faced a major technical hiccup and was unable to use the visual part of their presentation. The team showed their moxie; however, and rolled with the punches, seamlessly presenting their work without accompanying visuals, and wowing the judges to earn runner up status.
A total of 51 universities and colleges across Canada participated. By earning the runner up trophy for their league, Nipissing Enactus placed in the top 24 teams in Canada.
The presenting ENACTUS Nipissing team members were; Kurt Tempelmans Plat, Kirk Lashbrook, Eben Gowan, and John Jackson. Dianne Davis is the Faculty Advisor, and accompanied the team.
Recalling advice from last year's keynote speaker, Tempelmans Plat took the opportunity to invite this year’s keynote speaker, Arlene Dickinson, of CBC's Dragon Den fame, for coffee. She accepted.
For more information on ENACTUS Nipissing, you can emailenactus@nipissingu.ca, orcheck them out on Facebook, or follow the team on Twitter: @ENACTUSNIP.

My Nipissing