Free basketball skills and coaching clinics

The brand new Nipissing Lakers men's basketball program is hosting a FREE skills clinic for all high school aged boys with a love of roundball.The two-hour clinic will run twice a week, Mondays from 8:30 – 10:30p.m., and Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:30p.m. at the Robert J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre, starting now and running until November 20.
Players will get the benefit of instruction and coaching from Lakers men's basketball head coach Chris Cheng and his staff. Fundamental offensive and defensive skills and concepts will be taught each week. High School and Club coaches are welcome to attend and assist Cheng and his staff at all sessions.
All first time participants are asked to sign a waiver upon arrival.Coaches Clinic
Coach Cheng and the Lakers men's basketball program are also hosting a FREE Coaches Clinic on Sunday, October 20 from 1 - 4p.m. at the Robert J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre.
Coach Cheng will introduce his philosophies on creating team identity, establishing team culture and standards, offensive and defensive concepts, skill development drills and points of emphasis.
For more information on either clinic, please contact Coach Chris Cheng at
We look forward to having your support for your Lakers Men's Basketball Program!
