Lakers Hockey blank Queen’s

Photo of Lakers hockey players

The Nipissing Lakers’ men’s hockey team earned a 3-0 shutout win on Friday night at home in Memorial Gardens after killing off a five-on three first period disadvantage.The Lakers found themselves down two men after Matt Paton was called for a five minute major on a hit from behind, and Jon Mitchell got called for delay of game. The two man disadvantage could have proved extremely costly for the Lakers, however, the team turned crisis into opportunity and used the successful penalty kill as a rallying point.
Scoring for the Lakers was Grant Toulmin with two, including an empty net goal, and Kevin Rebelo.
With the win, the Lakers’ record sits at 11-9-2, good for 24 points. They sit in sixth place in the OUA East division, two points back of Ottawa and four points up on Queen’s, who’ll they face again this Saturday night in Kingston after battling the eighth-place Ryerson Rams on Friday night at home.
