Lips aquiver in Movember anticipation

As Roctober (or Trucktober, if you prefer) wanes and the weather continues getting uglier, wetter, windier and colder, the hair follicles on men’s upper lips begin to twitch in wild anticipation. They know what to do. Soon those hairy little champions will be bursting forth into never imagined shapes of masculinity, transforming boys into men and transforming the ?face of men’s health in the process. Yes, Movember is coming.
?Last year, Nipissing’s crack team of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised more than $1,300 anda shaving cream can worth of awareness for men’s health issues, and looked awesome in the process.

?This year, is expected to be bigger, hairier, bushier and more full-bodied.

?Sign up now for this year’s Movember squad: Team Nipissing University, right here, right now!

?The sweet Mofolks in charge of casual dress days will be directing proceeds from casual dress Fridays on Movember 1, 15, and 29, to the Movember cause. So, be sure to wear your jeans and admire the fine facial hair of your colleagues while giving generously to the battle against prostate cancer.

?The lovely and talented Mo Sista, Kindra McMillan, of Criminal Justice Advisor/Placement Officer fame, is kicking things into high gear on November 13 with a fundraising Zumba class at the Davedi Club at 7 p.m. Cost to participate is $10; the cost to watch a bunch of mustachioed heroes doing Zumba…also $10 (the deal of the century!) All proceeds will support Nipissing’s Movember team. Prizes for best Zumba Outfit and Best Moustache (Chris Bird, take note!).

Get involved! If you are looking to grow your mo, just start with a clean shaven upper lip on Movember 1 and let nature take over. Don’t worry, your mo knows what to do. Perhaps you’ll be graced with a Snidely Whiplash! Or the coveted Lanny MacDonald, perhaps the more challenging Charlie Chaplin is the mo for you…you’ll never know until you try. Even if fundraising isn’t your bag, grow your Mo anyway you want it as a shining beacon for more awareness on men’s health issues.

?And, if you can’t grow a Mo, or just don’t want to,you can give to the cause, right here.

For more information on Movember, click here.???

My Nipissing