NNV presents The Armed Man

Photo of Near North Voices poster

Near North Voices, North Bay’s University-Community Choir, presentsThe Armed Man on Saturday, April 6, 7:30 p.m., at St. Andrews United Church in North Bay.
This special presentation includes featured guest soloists and instrumentalists from Ottawa, Sudbury and Toronto, as well as members of the North Bay Symphony.

The Armed Man is a monumental work by Karl Jenkins. Commissioned by the British Royal Armouries in 1999 and dedicated to the civilian lives lost in the Kosovo conflict, this powerful work weaves contemporary and historical war poetry from diverse cultures with the movements of traditional Latin mass, to describe the journey from peace through crisis, conflict, war and its aftermath, ending in a hopeful call for an end to the need for armed conflict.

Also included in the program will be Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music for soloists, choir and orchestra. Composed in 1938 originally to be sung by the top 16 British classical singers of the day, this work’s text is an adaptation of the discussion about our relationship with music from Act V, Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. 

Tickets cost $20 for adults and $10 for students, and may be purchased at Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys, or from Near North Voices members.  

For?further information, please call (705) 474-3461, ext.4432 or go to  www.nearnorthvoices.com.

My Nipissing