North Bay’s Tignanelli joins Lakers soccer

Nipissing Lakers men’s soccer coach Carlo DeVuono is pleased to announce the commitment of North Bay’s Darius Tignanelli.Tignanelli, a 6’ striker, is enrolled in the Bachelor of Physical Health and Education program. He is a multi-sport athlete whose individual athletic accomplishments include being named the 2013 Golden Boot Award Winner and the 2012 St. Joseph Scollard Hall Athlete of the Year. Tignanelli received MVP honors at the Ottawa Royals, Cambrian and Sudbury Panhellic soccer tournaments.
“I’m looking forward to competing at a higher level of competition and to have the opportunity to build on Nipissing’s recent successes,” said Tignanelli. “I’m hoping to contribute to the strong core that we already have and I look forward to the challenges that playing at the OUA level presents.”
Tignanelli played rep soccer for the North Bay Selects and trained for two seasons with the provincial U16 region 6 development team. He also played division 1 men’s soccer in North Bay, capturing the title in 2011, while his Scollard Hall Bears were NDA and NOSSA champs in 2010.
“We had our eye on Darius for a number of years,” said DeVuono. “I have had the pleasure of coaching him in the past and his size and skill level is what we are looking for in first year players. He also has the potential to become an OUA all-star.”
The Lakers will begin preparations in Mid-August as the OUA opens training camps. The Lakers will be on the road for the first game of the season as they visit the Trent Excalibur September 1, 2013.
