Alumna earns prestigious award and National Geographic expedition

Congratulations to Nipissing alumna Shannon Bomben for being selected as one of the2015 Grosvenor Teacher Fellows by Lindblad Expeditions and National GeographicAs a result, Bomben is embarking on a professional development experience of a lifetime; taveling on a 10-day expedition to Iceland aboard the National Geographic Explorer July 7-17.
Bomben is a Grade 5 teacher from Windsor, Ontario, who’s a passport boasts stamps from over 20 countries visited. She has worked at Canadian Maple International School (CMIS) in South Korea and now teaches at A21 Academy, an innovative, project-based learning elementary school.
The Grosvenor Teacher Fellows recognizes commitment to geographic education and geographic literacy within the classroom. Every year educators apply for this professional development opportunity that allows them to bring immersive geographic learning experiences back to their classrooms and communities. Bomben is one of 35 highly respected educators from Canada and the United States to receive this honor
Before the voyage, Bomben traveled to National Geographic Society’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. to participate in hands-on workshops covering photography and outreach planning to meet Lindblad Expeditions’ naturalists and to network with previous years’ Fellows.
Bomben infuses a global perspective into her curriculum.  She hopes this experience will assist her in educating students and inspiring them to make positive changes in their world.
“I am passionate about bringing the real world into the classroom,” said Bomben. “Many teachers coming out of the teaching program have a lot more world experience and I think it is imperative to bring this into the classroom whenever possible in order to better our student’s knowledge of the world and their interconnected role within it. Ultimately, we are preparing them to become the global citizens they will need to be in the future."
“I am hoping to return better educated about the culture, nature and general health of the arctic environment and to bring that back to my classroom,” said Bomben. “I feel extremely honoured that National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions have afforded me this opportunity.”
About National Geographic Society
With a mission to inspire, illuminate and teach, the National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. The member-supported Society, which believes in the power of science, exploration and storytelling to change the world, reaches over 600 million people each month through its media platforms, products and events. National Geographic has funded more than 11,000 research, conservation and exploration projects, and its education programs promote geographic literacy.
About Lindblad Expeditions
Lindblad Expeditions, specialists in expedition travel, works in alliance with the National Geographic Society to inspire people to explore and care about the planet. As pioneers of global exploration, their collaboration in research, technology and conservation provides extraordinary travel experiences and disseminates geographic knowledge around the globe. Their educationally oriented voyages to all seven continents allow guests to interact with and learn from leading scientists, naturalists and researchers while discovering stunning natural environments, above and below the sea, through state-of-the-art exploration tools. Destinations include the Galápagos, Antarctica, the Arctic, Baja California, Alaska, Australia, Costa Rica & Panama, the Amazon, Southeast Asia & Pacific, Africa, Indian Ocean, Europe, Mediterranean and beyond.
