Alumni Advisory Board applications

There’s a wistful feeling looking back on times spent at Nipissing University. It’s no secret we have an active group of graduates that have fond memories of being a Laker. The Nipissing University Alumni Advisory Board want to remind Lakers that the good times don’t have to end.

The Alumni Advisory Board is looking for alumni who are interested in embodying the phrase: I am a life-long Laker. There are positions available for alumni interested in taking part in guiding and carrying out the objectives of the Alumni Advisory Board.

The objectives of the Board are:

to represent the interests of Alumni

to contribute in as many ways as possible to the welfare, prestige and excellence of Nipissing University;

to support the overall advancement of Nipissing University;

to encourage and promote a spirit of collegiality and unity among alumni

provide a means for continuing the relationships alumni enjoyed as students;

to build a culture of philanthropy among the Lakers Family; and,

to serve as a communications vehicle to the alumni community on the work and plans of Nipissing University and its impact on the alumni community.

Serving on the Alumni Advisory Board

The Alumni Advisory Board includes 10 alumni, one rep from the Student Alumni, one rep from the Student Union, one rep from the Board of Governors and 2 ex officio staff members.

Get Involved

The NUAA is guided by the Alumni Advisory Board and is comprised of Nipissing University alumni, staff, student reps, and community volunteers. As a dynamic group of engaged and informed alumni, the Nipissing University Alumni Advisory Board works with Alumni Relations to provide multiple opportunities, events and services to all alumni as well as to be an advocate for Nipissing University.

Interested in participating on the Nipissing University Alumni Advisory Board (NUAAB)?
The Alumni Advisory Board meets five times per year; as well as, for a planning retreat. Terms are for two years and may be renewed twice for a maximum of six years and is open to all alumni of the Nipissing family; as well as, community members. This means graduates of: Nipissing University, Nipissing University College, North Bay Teachers College, North Bay Normal School and North Bay Model School.

Why become involved?

Here’s your opportunity to “give something back” to your alma mater.

Meet fellow alumni, create friendships, network, and further your professional and personal skills.

Interested? and click on Advisory Board or

Deadline for submission is December 9, 2015.


My Nipissing