CICAS explores the creation of the north

Paging Al Purdy, the Group of Seven, Alice Munro and more…Nipissing’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Arts and Sciences (CICAS, pronounced: kickass!), presents the final discussion in the 2014-15 series, titledCreating the North on Thursday, April 16, from 7 – 9 p.m. at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in the Capitol Centre (150 Main St.).The discussion will be led by Dr. Colleen Franklin, retired professor of English at Thorneloe University/Laurentian University;Dr. Elizabeth Ashworth, assistant professor in Nipissing’s Schulich School of Education; andDr. Laurie Kruk, associate professor and Chair of the English department at Nipissing.
Here’s a brief abstract on the panel:
This panel approaches the question of how we Create the North (and Canada, its reflection) through literature, visual art and poetry. Using the familiar metaphor of exploration in and of Canada, the panelists consider how identity changes environment and environment changes identity, with examples drawn from painting, photography, poetry and pedagogy.
For more information on CICAS, check out their kick-ass website, right here.  

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