CICAS talks TV, politics, pedagogy, LSD and opium

Nipissing’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Arts and Sciences (CICAS, pronounced: kickass!), presents another exciting panel talk titledTelevision, Politics and Pedagogy: is TV the opium or LSD of the people? on February 26, from 2-3:30 p.m. in room A122.
The discussion will be led byDr. Nathan Colborne, assistant professor in Religions and Cultures; andDr. Wendy Peters, assistant professor in Gender Equality & Social Justice.

Short description: 
Many contemporary television series have been praised for their “groundbreaking” and “controversial” content. Our panelists analyze recent television series in order to explore the representations of two powerful Western discourses, including the apocalyptic orientation and the imperative to “come out of the closet.” Drawing on Game of Thrones and “teen TV,” we ask whether these discourses are undermined, reasserted or reinvented on the small screen.

A live stream of the discussion is available, here.

For more information on CICAS, check out their kick-ass website, right here. 

This discussion is free of charge and all are invited to join in celebrating interdisciplinary research.

My Nipissing