College Drive construction update

Nipissing University is communicating with the contractors completing the construction on College Drive to provide a rough outline of expectations.Please keep in mind that the following timelines are not absolute, and delays are normal and expected in projects of this nature. As they say, nothing is concrete…it’s all going to be asphalt.
The South driveway entrance/exit to campus is expected to reopen in 2-3 weeks.
The North driveway entrance/exit to campus is expected to close in 4-5 weeks. At that time, a temporary driveway will be opened in the vicinity, allowing for campus to maintain two separate entrances/exits.
Paving to the walkway is expected to begin in 3-4 weeks.
While construction will continue, College Drive should be able to accommodate two lanes of traffic in 4-5 weeks.
The entire project is expected to be complete by early November.
The work being is being undertaken by the City of North Bay and includes the replacement of a water main and some new water infrastructure to better service campus and the homes and businesses on the escarpment.
?When completed, the project will also feature a 4-metre wide paved and lit pathway connecting the main campus to the lower residence area and including a controlled crosswalk across College Drive. Similar to the Kate Pace Way, the new path greatly improves opportunity for cycling, walking and running on College Drive. While the construction delays are definitely a pain, there is a silver lining for students, faculty, staff and community members to enjoy.?

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