Discover Nipissing a success

Last weekend Nipissing University welcomed almost 200 potential students to Discover Nipissing so they could experience first-hand why Nipissing is the best choice for their post-secondary needs.Discover Nipissing welcomed 570 people including students, their families and friends to campus to meet with faculty and staff, tour the campus, and start making connections with future classmates.

During the open house students had the opportunity to ask questions about academic programs, student life, admissions, finances, residence and anything else university related.

“Most of the students questions were about admissions and specific programs,” said Carla Tucker, acting manager of student recruitment. “Discover Nipissing allows students to take advantage of our program sessions as well as the tours.  Overall we heard a lot of great feedback and it was a great day.” 

Guests visited the state-of-the-art laboratory and classroom space that exists on campus, discovered some of the groundbreaking research that Nipissing’s faculty are engaged in, and toured the award-winning library and the top-ranked residences.

Students that missed the Discover Nipissing can register for Open House  

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