History Seminar Series presents Dr. Lanyan Chen

Nipissing’s History Department presentsDr. Lanyan Chen,associate professor in Nipissing’s School of Human and Social Development - Social Welfare and Social Development, for a discussion, titled Unpacking the Historical Roots of Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in China, on Friday, October 2, at 2:30 p.m. in A252.
Dr. Chen will present for approximately 45 minutes, followed by a question period.

Here is an abstract:

During my recent participation in the evaluation ofUNFPA's Country Program in China it became clear once again that, unlike many researchers have suggested, it is neither the preference for boys, which underpins the Chinese culture, nor the control of fertility, that are the main causes of the imbalanced sex ratio undermining today's Chinese population structure. The decades long family planning policy, also characterized as the “one child policy,” focused mostly on the "goals of development" ignoring the commitments of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) to social wellbeing. This could have been a worldwide trend, typified by the Chinese practice of the policy, which has been successful by one set of standards, given that the Chinese drive to achieve economic goals has resulted in sensational GDP growth for over three decades. Yet, by using other standards, like social wellbeing, such policy in China has brought about dangerous social disparities, not only in the severely imbalanced sex ratio that will take several generations to reverse, but also in related problems of inequalities that have the potential to bring about social instability, stalling the progress China has made.

This talk discusses the history of the Chinese family planning policy and the missed opportunities that occurred to upend the imbalanced sex ratio by using balanced approaches to development through policy and institutional leadership oriented to equality. These opportunities were missed partly because of the influence of neoliberal ideology and the historical practice of male domination.

Upcoming Talks:

October 30: Dr. Matthew Farish,associate professor of geography and planning at University of Toronto — Boards and Bodies: Militarizing the Human Sciences in the Cold War North (co-hosted with the MES/MESc Seminar Series)

November 27:Dr. Derek Neal, associate professor of history at Nipissing University — The Student-Professor Returns: Reflections on Teaching, Learning, History and Theology

January 28, 7 – 9 p.m. at The Raven and Republic:Dr. Mark Kuhlberg, associate professor of history at Laurentian University - Title to be announced (co-hosted with the MES/MESc Seminar Series)

February 5:Prof. Rhiannon Don, English seminar instructor at Nipissing University — Staging the Nation: Historic Sites, Interpretation, and National Identity

March 4:Dr. Kurt Clausen, associate professor at the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University — Rebels in Charge: Ontario's Educational Revolution, 1959-1973

April 1: Roundtable (DrsR. Gendron;J. Murton; C. Murton Stoehr, andB. Thorn) — Which 20 Years? Considering Large-Scale Change in 20th-Century Canada"

All are welcome, the talks are free of charge and refreshments will be provided.?

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