New Chair for NU’s Board of Governors

Marianne Berube was acclaimed as the new Chair of the Nipissing University Board of Governors last Thursday night during the regular meeting of the Board.Current Board Chair, Colin Dennis, will continue to serve as Past Chair of the Board for a one-year term.
Gord Durnan was acclaimed as Vice-Chair, and Tom Palangio was acclaimed as Vice-Chair Pro Tem.
In each case, the resolution to acclaim the individuals to their respective positions was passed with a unanimous vote.
Berbue was appointed to the Board in 2011, as a Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council designate. This year, she served as the Chair of both the Audit and Finance Committee and the Human Resources Committee, as well as the Vice-Chair of the Board.  She is the Executive Director of Wood Works!/Canadian Wood Council Ontario.  Berube brings more than 30 years experience in cororate development, finance, leadership, team performance training, implementing culture change, networking, marketing and sales management and service excellence. Previously, she served as the Chair of the Canadore College Board of Governors.
Durnan was appointed to the Board in 2012, as a Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council designate. This year, he served as Chair of the Advancement Committee and Board Vice-Chair Pro Tem.  Durnan enjoyed a 35-year career in health care philanthropy and charitable management.  He was named Outstanding Fundraising Executive in 1996 by the Toronto Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.  In 1998, he won the Si Seymour Award for bringing honour and prominence to the fundraising profession in North America by the Association for Health Care Philanthropy.
Palangio was elected to the Board in 2014. This year, he served as a member of the Advancement Committee and as a Board Representative on Senate.  His career spans more than 40 years in the explosives industry.  He is an explosives application specialist, consultant and managing director of Popex Inc. Palangio owns and is the President of WipWare Inc. Photoanalyis Systems and owner of Bonfield Group Inc. Previously he served as the Chair of the Canadore College Board of Governors.

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