NU welcomes potential students

Potential university students will discover first-hand why Nipissing is the best choice for their post-secondary needs this weekend during Discover Nipissing, the annual fall open house.

Hosted by Nipissing on October 24 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Discover Nipissing welcomes students, their families and friends to campus to meet with faculty and staff, tour the campus, and start making connections with future classmates and friends. They’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about academic programs, student life, admissions, finances, residence and anything else university related.

“Our student guidebook provides a great overview, but nothing can compare to visiting campus in person and talking to the people who study and work here to get a sense of what sets Nipissing apart as a great choice for university,” said Carla Tucker, acting manager of student recruitment. “I encourage anyone to come and discover Nipissing University for themselves.”

Nipissing expects 500 – 600 individuals to attend Discover Nipissing this weekend.

Guests will visit the state-of-the-art laboratory and classroom space that exists on campus, discover some of the groundbreaking research that Nipissing’s faculty are engaged in, and have a tour of the award-winning library and the top-ranked residences.

Students who are interested in learning more about the university are welcome to attend without registering in advance. You can register for Open House    ?

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