Orientation for mature and transfer students on now

Image of New Student Orientation branding

Nipissing University continues the work of helping new students prepare for their upcoming academic year. This week, the university is hosting more New Student Orientation (NSO) sessions, this time for mature and transfer students.Mature students include those students who are 20 years of age or older by the end of the semester in which they wish to enroll and who have been away from formal education for at least two years. Transfer students refer to those who have transferred to Nipissing University from another college or university, without completing their degree/diploma program at that institution.
Nipissing will welcome roughly 60 people to campus this week, including 40 students and their supporters, for a day-long program that features personalized tours and information sessions tailored to their unique needs and interests.
“This week is similar to what we offer students coming right from high school, with a more individualized approach,” said Sarah Clermont Brunette, student experience coordinator, orientation and first-year programs. “The groups are smaller for mature and transfer students because there is so much uniqueness in their background. They have differing transfer credits to discuss with academic advisors, for example. Some have families or work commitments, so we strive to be flexible and meet their schedules and needs. For students with young children, we’ve organized games and activities so the parents can participate in NSO and know that they are welcomed.”
For more information about NSO, visit the website:www.nipissingu.ca/nso.

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