Campaign aims to help students access key resources and services

Nipissing University is utilizing an interactive voice response system to alert students to services available to support their success.
Students can expect to receive an automated call starting on October 10.

The interactive voice response calls will connect students with existing support services and resources in key areas that contribute to student success. Students will receive contact information for each service they identify, and can request a call from a Student Retention Coordinator to discuss available support services. The campaign aims to ensure students are aware of the services and resources available.

Additionally, the new campaign will help the university better serve its students and understand student needs at key times throughout the year by:
Increasing student awareness of available programs and resources
Alerting administrators immediately to students in need of intervention
Providing measurement regarding the effectiveness of programs and services
Improving the level of insight available to faculty and ensuring an efficient allocation of resources in areas of highest need

This outreach campaign is designed in collaboration with higher education partners and is in line with Nipissing University’s commitment to serve students with an exceptional and personalized education in a supportive community.

For more information, please contact Student Development & Services or

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