Go green for mental health

Green square

May is Mental Health Awareness month and this year’s theme is to#GETLOUD about mental health. That means speaking out against the discrimination and stigma directed at people with mental illnesses. It means using your voice to raise awareness and build support. It means speaking up for those around you – and for yourself.Nipissing University will be joining the community effort to raise awareness. All staff and faculty are asked to please wear green on Friday May 5 to help reduce the stigma of mental illness.
See the attached resources from the Canadian Mental Health Association for more information on the campaign and a listing of events for the North Bay Area.
More information about the Canadian Mental Health Association’s national campaign is available atwww.greenformentalhealth.ca.
Any students in need of support can access it through the Office of Student Development and Services atcounseling@nipissingu.ca or 705-474-3450 ext 4507. Faculty and staff in need of supports can reach out to Aspiria for services;for more information, please click here.

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