Time Travellers Wanted - discover the future in new NU speaker series

Photo of NU 25 speaker series poster

Imagining what the future holds has captivated humans for centuries. What will the world look like? What amazing new inventions will have transformed our collective reality? Who will be the global super powers? Will we be able to breathe the air? Will earth be a garden paradise or a dystopian wasteland?This summer and fall, everyone can imagine what the future might hold at a new speaker series discussing a future 25 years from now. 
NU2042 is a new speaker series featuring short presentations from Nipissing University faculty members looking ahead 25 years to what the future might hold through the lens of their research. There will be five separate events, each featuring five speakers who will speak for five minutes, followed by a question and answer period that welcomes audience participation.
The first event takes place on Thursday, July 27, at the Grande Event Centre from 7 – 9 p.m. Admission is free and all are welcome. Hold the dates future NU2042 events taking place at the same time and location on September 21, October 18, November 9, and December 7.
From Psychology and Chemistry to History, English and Art, from Education and Social Work to Business, Biology and Neuroscience, Nipissing’s faculty will provide studied, fun and engaging insight into potential futures.
“As a university, our goal is to make the world a better place, through education and research as well as community leadership. Our faculty are engaged in some amazing work that will unquestionably impact the future and NU2042 gives them an opportunity to share ideas, hopes, fears and dreams with our community,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, president and vice-chancellor. 
The idea for NU2042 grew out of planning for Nipissing’s 25th anniversary as an independent university. The university received its charter on December 10, 1992.
“Traditionally, an anniversary is a time of looking back so we are bucking the trend on what’s expected and having some fun getting out the crystal ball and looking 25 years into the future,” said DeGagné. “Of course, we will be celebrating our past and all the people who have made a contribution to our history as well in some other upcoming events. “Time travel is not for the faint of heart, only intrepid minds should endeavor to participate as the presentations will include information that could overwhelm certain individuals,” said Dr. Herbert George Wells, who was visiting the university under mysterious circumstances in a souped-up Delorian with his colleague, Dr. Emmet Brown. “I’m quite certain that NU2042 is going to be a lot of fun. In fact I know it is.”

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