More student art on display in F-wing

Student Art in President's Office

Fine Arts students at Nipissing are adding some life to the third floor of F-Wing with a new art installation in the president’s office and boardroom hallway.
The students, enrolled in Dr. Dennis Geden's FAVA 2086 Drawing From Life course, were tasked with creating a life-sized self-portrait by graphing an 8X10 photograph of themselves and transfer the image onto a large, 36” by 74” sheet of paper using graphite, pastel and their best creative talents.

The seven works the students created are exceptional and the lessons learned were valuable.  Some students discovered pastel is a fascinating medium, and some have sworn off pastel for life.

This is the second art student exhibit to be displayed on the third floor of F-wing.  President Mike DeGagné requested the student art be exhibited to increase awareness of the vibrant and exciting Fine Arts program Nipissing University offers.

You can view the pieces in the hallway anytime, and can arrange to see the works in the president's office, by contacting Maggie Daniel

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