Research Month shines light on important work at Nipissing University

North Bay, ON – March is Research Month at Nipissing University. Throughout the month, Nipissing is encouraging the public to “Discover Research” through a series of events designed to highlight the breadth of research taking place at the University and its impact on the community.
“Research Month is one of my favourite times of year at Nipissing as it offers a chance for us to showcase and celebrate the contributions of researchers at the undergraduate, graduate and faculty level, as well as the diversity of opportunities available,” said Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila, provost and vice-president, academic and research at Nipissing University.
The 14th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference will once again take place virtually, offering undergraduate students across Ontario the chance to share their work with peers, faculty, and the public through an online portal. Student research submissions will be available for viewing when the conference goes live on March 30.
The NU360 Speaker Series will take on a slightly different format this year as well. Each week, a different faculty member will present their research via Zoom in just 10 minutes using no more than 10 slides. The first talk in the series will take place this Friday, March 5 at 11 a.m. and will feature Dr. Justin Carré, assistant dean of graduate studies and research, discussing how his research on hormones and behaviours has been affected by the pandemic and the novel approaches he is taking to adapt.
Additionally, the University will be highlighting some of the COVID-19-related research projects currently underway and their relevance to the community. These videos will be featured on the Research Month website and Nipissing’s social media channels later this month.
All events throughout Research Month are free and open to all.
For more details and a full schedule of events, visit:
Meghan Venasse
Manager, Communications
Nipissing University
705-474-3450 ext. 4615