Dr. Barbara Elliott

Further information regarding her teaching, research, publications, and service are available via the various menu items. To access Dr. Elliott’s Research Gate profile including full-text publications click here (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barbara_Elliott7).
Areas of Specialization:
Barbara's nursing career began in the field of orthopedics and then expanded to include community health. She has an extensive background in curriculum development and teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate nursing levels.
Research Interests:
Over the past few years, Barbara has been involved in multiple projects some of which include Faculty Morale, Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery, Nurse Educator Job Satisfaction and Mentorship in Nursing.
De Carvalho D., Bussières, A., French, S., Wade, D., Brake-Patten, D., O’Keefe, L., Elliott, B., Budgell, K., O’Reilly, S., & Hall, A. (2019). Knowledge of and Adherence to Radiographic Guidelines for Low Back Pain: A Study of Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractors and their Patients. Presented at 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress - 2019 European Chiropractors' Union Convention, March 2019.
Elliott, B., Aglukark, O., & Minilgak, M. (2018). Urbanization: Undoing what has been done. Presented at CNSA 2018 Western-Prairie Regional Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 2018.
Elliott, B. (2017). Clinical teaching: A workshop for instructors. Presented at College of the North Atlantic.
Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2010). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37(2).