Dr. Callie Mady

Areas of Specialization:
Second/additional language education, French as a second language education, multilingualism
Research Interests:
Additional language learning (allophone students studying French as a second language in particular), inclusive classrooms, French as a second language pedagogy and teacher beliefs.
Current & Future Research
- Examining achievement in French immersion: A comparison of immigrant and Canadian-born English speaking and multilingual students' achievement and motivations. (Principal Investigator, SSHRC funded)
- Inclusion of students with special education needs in French as a second language classes. (Principal Investigator, Ministry of Education funded)
- Elementary core French for Allophone students: an investigation of a theory/practice distinction (Principal Investigator, SSHRC funded)
- Second Language Knowledge to Second Language Practice (Principal Investigator, funded by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers)
- The pedagogical experiences of multilingual student teachers of French as a Second Language in Ontario: From volition to professional insertion (Co-investigator, SSHRC funded)
Publications from the last five years include:
Academic Book Arnett, K. & Mady, C. (Eds.). (2013). Minority populations in second language education: Broadening the lens from Canada. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. Professional Books
Arnett, K. & Mady, C. (2015). Connexions. Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson Education.
Mady, C., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Salvatori, M. &Turnbull, M. (2013). Suivez moi. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 32 pages. Academic Book Chapters
Mady, C. (2013). Adding Languages Adding Benefits: Immigrant students’ attitudes toward and performance in FSOL programs in Canada. In K. Arnett and C. Mady (Eds.), Minority populations in second language education: Broadening the lens from Canada (pp 3-21). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Mady, C. (2013). Transitioning to bilingualism: Examining the linguistic and non-linguistic effects of brief bilingual exchanges. In S. Elliott-Johns & D. Jarvis (Eds.), Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Arnett, K. & Mady, C. (2013). Introduction: Broadening the Lens of Second Language Education in Canada: Minority Populations in Canadian Second Language Education. In K. Arnett and C. Mady (Eds.), Minority populations in second language education: Broadening the lens from Canada (pp ix-xx). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Mady, C. & Arnett, K. (2013). Conclusion: Additional Conceptions of Second Language Education in Canada. In K. Arnett and C. Mady (Eds.), Minority populations in second language education: Broadening the lens from Canada (pp 199-200). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Mady, C. & Carr, W. (2011). Immigrant Perspectives on French language learning in English-dominant Canadian communities. In C Varcasia (Ed.), Becoming multilingual: Language learning and language policy between attitudes and identity. Bern, Peter Lang.
Papers in Refereed Journals
Mady, C. (2015). Can success lead to increased access?: Examining immigrants' English and French achievement in French immersion. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 3 (2), 268-284.
Mady, C. (2015). Immigrants outperform Canadian-born groups in French immersion: Examining factors that influence their achievement. International Journal of Multilingualism, 12 (3), 298-311.
Mady, C. (2015). The bilingual advantage for immigrant students in FI in Canada: Linking advantages to contextual variables. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2015.1041875
Garbati, J. & Mady, C. (2015). Oral skill development in second languages: Searching for best practices. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5 (9), 1763-1770.
Knouzi, I. & Mady, C. (2015). Understanding the linkage gap between L2 education researchers and practitioners. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice 24, (2), 40-59.
Mady, C. (2014). The role of proficiency and social context on the Grade 6 students’ acquisition of French as a second official language in Canada. International Journal of Multilingualism 11(2), 247-262.
Byrd Clark, J., Vanthuyne, A., & Mady, C. (2014). Exploring reflexivity and multilingualism in three French language teacher education programs. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 17 (1), 129-155.
Mady, C. & Garbati, J. (2014). Talking Taboo: Use of Students’ First Languages in a Second Language Classroom. What works? Research into practice 51. Retrieved from:http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WW_other…
Arnett, K., Mady, C. & Muilenburg, L. (2014). Canadian FSL teacher candidate beliefs about students with learning difficulties. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 4(3), 447-457.
Knouzi, I. & Mady, C. (2014). Voices of resilience from the bottom rungs: The stories of three elementary Core French teachers in Ontario. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 60 (1), 62-80.
Thomas, R. & Mady, C. (2014). Teaching for Transfer: Insights from Theory and Practices in Primary-level French-second-language Classrooms. McGill Journal of Education, 49 (2), 399-416.
Mady, C. (2013). Immigrant status as an influential factor in additional language learning: A comparison of French language achievement of Canadian-born monolinguals, bilinguals and bilingual immigrants. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 5 (1), 12-20.
Mady, C. (2013). Learning French as a second official language in Canada: Comparing monolingual and bilingual students at Grade 6. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 17(3), 330-344.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2013.767778
Mady, C. (2013). Reducing the gap between educational research and second language teachers’ knowledge. Evidence and Policy 9 (2), 1-22.http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/174426413X662509
Arnott, S. & Mady, C. (2013). Obstacles and opportunities for literacy teaching: A case study of primary core French classrooms in Ontario. Language and Literacy 15 (2), 101-127.
Mady, C. (2012) Merging rather than exiting. Babylonia 3, 57-60. INVITED Mady, C. (2012). Inclusion of English Language Learners in French as a Second Official Language Classes: Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs. International Journal of Multilingualism 9 (1) 1-14.
Mady, C. (2012). Official language bilingualism to the exclusion of multilingualism: Immigrant student perspectives on French as a second official language in “English-dominant” Canada. Language and Intercultural Communication. 12 (1), 74-89.
Mady, C. (2012). Second language research and teaching: Bridging the gap. Babel 47 (2) 30-37. Mady, C. (2012). Voices of Immigrant Adults: Perspectives and Experiences with French as a Second Official Language in “English-dominant” Canada. Intercultural Promenades: Journal of Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies 1 (1), 35-51.
Arnott, S. & Mady, C. (2012). Volunteer exchange experiences and willingness to communicate (WTC): An English language learner (ELL) perspective. Contact 38 (2), 40-48.
Mady, C. & Black, G. (2012). Access to French as a second official language programs in English-dominant Canada. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 57 (4) 498-501.
Mady, C. & Turnbull, M. (2012). Official language bilingualism for Allophones in Canada: Exploring future research. TESL Canada Journal, 29 (2), 131-142.
Mady, C. (2011). Moving toward inclusive French as a second official language in Canada. International Journal of Inclusive Education. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2011.580463
Mady, C. (2011). The chicken or the egg: Examining the impacts of a brief bilingual exchange on willingness to communicate. Babel 46 (1), 22-29.
Mady, C. (2011). The results of short-term bilingual exchanges keep on ticking: Long-term impacts of brief bilingual exchanges. Foreign Language Annals 44 (4), 712-726.
Mady, C. (2010). FSL literacy strategies for English Language Learners. Mosaic, 11 (1) 13-15. Mady, C. (2010). Motivation to study core French: Comparing recent immigrants and Canadian-born secondary school students. Canadian Journal of Education, 33 (3), 564-587.
Arnett, K. & Mady, C. (2010). A critically conscious examination of special education within FSL and its relevance to FSL teacher education programs. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 13, (1), 19-36.
Mady, C. & Arnott, S. (2010). Exploring the “situation” of situational willingness to communicate: A volunteer youth exchange perspective. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (2).
Mady, C. & Turnbull, M. (2010). Learning French as a second language-Reserved for Anglophones?. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (99), 1-23.
Anderson, B., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Mady, C. Salvatori, M. &Turnbull, M. (2009). La famille c’est spéciale. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Lewis, C., Carr, W., Mady, C., Salvatori, M., & Turnbull, M., (2009). Échos Mag 1. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 16 pages.
Lewis, C., Carr, W., Mady, C., Salvatori, M., & Turnbull, M., (2009). Échos Mag 2. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 16 pages.
Lewis, C., Carr, W., Mady, C., Salvatori, M., & Turnbull, M., (2009). Échos Mag 3. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 16 pages.
Mady, C., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Salvatori, M. &Turnbull, M. (2009). Voici mon école. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Mady, C., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Salvatori, M. &Turnbull, M. Mésaventures en plein air. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Salvatori, M., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Mady, C. & Turnbull, M., (2009). Pauvre Michel! Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education.
Salvatori, M., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Mady, C. & Turnbull, M., (2009). Vive le renard! Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Turnbull, M., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Mady, C. & Salvatori, M. (2009). Mes passé-temps extraordinaires! Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Turnbull, M., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Mady, C. & Salvatori, M. (2009). Les Superbibittes. Don Mills, Ontario : Pearson Education. 24 pages.
Catenacci, F., Hart, B., Mady, C. & Salvatori, M. (2006). Quoi de neuf. Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson Education. 173 pages.
Catenacci, F., Hart, B., Mady, C. & Salvatori, M. (2006). Quoi de neuf, cahier. Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson Education. 220 pages.
Mady, C. (2006). Métiers et professions. Welland: Soleil Publishing. 76 pages.
Book Chapter
Mady, C. & Carr, W. Immigrant Perspectives on French language learning in English-dominant Canadian communities. In C Varcasia (Ed.), Becoming multilingual.
Language learning and language policy between attitudes and identity.
Bern, Peter Lang.
Papers in Refereed Journals: Published or in press
Mady, C. (in press). Moving toward inclusive French as a second official language in Canada. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Mady, C. (in press). Inclusion of English Language Learners in French as a Second Official Language Classes: Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs. International Journal of Multilingualism.
Arnett, K. & Mady, C. (2010). A critically conscious examination of special education within FSL and its relevance to FSL teacher education programs. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 13, (1), 19-36.
Mady, C. (2010). FSL literacy strategies for English Language Learners. Mosaic, 11 (1).
Mady, C. (2010). Motivation to study core French: Comparing recent immigrants and Canadian-born secondary school students. Canadian Journal of Education, 33 (3).
Mady, C. & Arnott, S. (2010). Exploring the “situation” of situational willingness to communicate: A volunteer youth exchange perspective. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (2).
Mady, C. & Turnbull, M. (2010). Learning French as a second language-Reserved for Anglophones?. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (99), 1-23.
Lapkin, S., Mady, C., Arnott, S. (2009). Research perspectives on core French: A literature review. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12 (2), 6-20.
Mady, C. & Arnett, K. (2009). Inclusion in French Immersion in Canada: One parent’s perspective. Exceptionality Education International, 19 (2), 37-49.
Mady, C. Arnott, S. & Lapkin, S. (2009). Assessing AIM: A study of Grade 8 students in an Ontario school board. Canadian Modern Language Review, 65 (5), 703-729.
Mady, C. (2007). The suitability of core French for recently arrived adolescent immigrants to Canada. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10 (2), 177-196.
Mady, C. (2007). Allophone students in second-official language programs. Canadian Modern Language Review, 63(5), 727-760.
Mady C. (2007). Les élèves allophones dans les programmes de français seconde langue officielle: Revue de la litterature. Canadian Modern Language Review, 63(5), 761-795.
Papers in Non-refereed Journals and Professional Magazines
Mady, C. (2011). Making life-long language learners: Long-term impact of brief bilingual exchanges. Réflexions 30 (1).
Mady, C. (2010). A Conversation with Callie Mady on… Homestay Exchanges. Interviewed by Roch Carrier,” Mosaic. The Journal for language Teachers, Vol. 11, No. 2.
Mady, C. (2010). Avantages de courts échanges bilingues pour le programme scolaire. Réflexions 29 (2), 18-19.
Mady, C. (2010). Long-term impacts of brief cultural exchanges for French immersion participants. Journal de l’Immersion 32 (1), 53-54.
Mady, C. (2010). Short-term effects of brief cultural exchanges: Linguistic and non-linguistic impacts. Journal de l’Immersion 32 (2).
Mady, C. & Arnett, K. (2010). View from the other side of the desk : A parent’s view of inclusion in French immersion. Journal de l’Immersion 32 (3).
Mady, C. (2009). Exchanges with a twist of volunteer experience. Réflexions, 28 (2), 15-17.
Mady, C. (2008). Opening the doors to official language learning for allophones. The State of French Second Language Education in Canada 2008. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Parents for French.
Lapkin, S. Mady, C. & Arnott, S. (2006). Preparing to profile the FSL teacher. Réflexions, 25 (1), 15-17.
Lapkin, S. Mady, C. & Arnott, S. (2006). Preparing to profile the FSL teacher. Réflexions, 25 (2), 12-15.
Mady, C. (2006). Allophone students in second-official language programs: A literature review. Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French.